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A short delay Florist choice Wedding Flowers


I love bespoke flowers and brainstorming ideas with my clients, however, alot of wedding couples don't want all that fuss, they want simple, or natural and don't mind what flowers they have as long as it has a colour theme and atmosphere for their special wedding day.

So with this in mind I am creating the florally yours wedding florist choice offer. There has been a slight delay with me publishing them due to a family set back. But we will have them out there very soon.

This doesn't mean you cant have our bespoke service of course you can but there is a minimum starting price for this service of £2000, this you can show designs and photos and requests and flower choices etc .

So now i love the fact that I can be budget friendly for all styles and budgets of weddings by offering these two different services.

For more information and a starting from price list please send me a message via the contact form on the website or give me a call on 07970 450 855

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Contact : Denise Jones Floral Design
The Floral Peacock Studio
Wyke Regis, Weymouth, Dorset, England, DT4 9NZ
07970 460 855


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